Friday, August 19, 2011

From a Brother

Something is trying to come to life inside of me. No, not something, but someone, a person. The person is me, but the person is not yet me. That person is not me, but the person is already living in me. The person is beyond me.

I was made to be that person. The person is for me and is meant to be of me, but the person is not from me because that person is not who I am now. That person is who I will be. That person is more than me.

I am Anthony. I am only Anthony. But I will be Anthony because my life depends on it. I will be Anthony because Anthony is going to be a person.

What is it to you? Who am I to you?

The being and the becoming, the life here and the life to come: God has everything to do with all of this. This is all I care about, so I cast my cares onto God. Jesus Christ is God in person, and so I follow Jesus to be, in Christ, a person. Practically, to know God, the maker of my person, and to know Jesus Christ, God in person, I aim to walk in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi, and to walk like Francis of Assisi, who was a consummate person for others.

So that is what it is to you. Who am I to you? A person for you. Your brother, I hope.

This blog is not a diary. It is something else. It is not the place to read about being-becoming a brother. This is where you can read about it.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Call and Response

"My young adulthood is coming to an end." But not your youth.

"I am undertaking an expedition." Ridiculous. You are a moviegoer, and your life is a film festival.

"There is a path, and I see it leads me straight and true." This is no time for tourists. There is a person who must walk straight and true, or there is no person at all.

"A sign of contradiction ... a fool for Christ." And a legend in your own mind.

"There is a book within, and it has got to come out." Aye, ordinary words. What low ambition.

"She said, 'Do what you love.' " Do Who you love. Love does not know What.

"I said, "I will do works of love." Love longs for a human Being.

"O God, come to our assistance." You mean, "O God, come to our insistence."

"God helps those who help themselves." Amen, they already have their reward.

"Healing Spirit, set us free." The free are beyond victory and praise.

"A prayer in distress." Indeed. Hopefully, without despair.

"They're looking for answers." Don't answer. Don't tell them anything. Give them a response.